Sonntag, 17. April 2011

Sailing Trip to the Whitsunday Islands

The Whitsunday Islands... Terry once told me that they were under his top 5 spots in the world. Beautiful!
 Sadly, that was a picture of the Internet. The reality looked more like this: It was grey and cold. We basically could see that it would be beautiful if the sun was shining... :(
On the Island, we could once again marvel at a huge spider. It was at least as big as a opened hand...
That was our ship: The mighty Boomerang! In the past, it won contests. Therefore, the sailing experience was authentic. That means: good for me, because I never get seasick, and bad for about 5 to 10 other people including Míša...
For me, the best part of the trip were the people on the ship. Kinda sad.
At the end, we were both pretty depressed because the trip didn't turn out the way it was supposed to be. We had the feeling of having wasted much money on things that were disappointing.

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