Sonntag, 17. April 2011

Cairns: The Daintree Rainforest

At 7:00 a.m., we arrived in Cairns. At 8:00 a.m., the tour to the Daintree Rainforest and Cape Tribulation startet!
 At first, you gotta get there: It's a pretty long bus drive. At least, the tour-guide was good. One of the first tour-guides who really could talk about his surroundings. I think, it was manly her who made me feel okay again.
 At first, we went on a boat cruise through a river where lots of crocodiles live. That's a small one, about 1 year old. That's the only one we could see that day.
 A poisonous tree-snake. Very good camouflage.
 Then, at Cape Tribulation, we took a walk through the rainforest. A very interesting and very old ecosystem!
 A 20cm long Insect...
 It rained from time to time, but it was okay. It makes a rainforest more authentic, doesn't it?
 Yeeeah! A butterfly!

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