Donnerstag, 14. April 2011

Agnes Water

Agnes Water is a town nobody would ever mention in a blog. If everything is normal, that is.
There were floods up north (again). We were worried that our Greyhounds might get canceled. The nasty thing was that the Whitsundays trip was booked for the 2nd. We didn't get any news for one day. On the second day of our stay there, I went to a great internet coffee to check my emails (and download some movies ;P).
There was an email. (With lots of writing mistakes.) It said that our Greyhound was delayed to the 8th!!! We would not only miss the Whitsundays but the Cape Tribulation and Great Barrier Reef as well!!! Míša would even miss her flight!
I called the Greyhound hot-line. I didn't come through for 1 hour! I thought about plan B. (Plans C to Z as well...) Eventually, someone found some time for me. In about 5 minutes, I explained him my situation and he rebooked to the 2nd. Lucky me! ((Our roommates got the email too late...)) We "only" would miss the sailing trip. I called the Whitsunday agency and managed to rebook this trip as well. You cannot imagine how relieved I was...
On the 2nd, in the afternoon, we went on the Scooteroo-tour. We got an automatic motorbike, which we drove for 3 hours into the sunset. It was pretty great! In the evening, we finally took the Greyhound to Airlie Beach, where we would board onto a Whitsunday sailing boat.
This lizard lived in our bathroom... Strange fella.

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