Mittwoch, 13. April 2011

Fraser Island

A 2-days-3-nights self-guided tour on the famous Fraser Island sounds great, doesn't it?
Well, it could have been much better.
First of all, the weather was pretty shitty. On the 2nd and the 3rd day, it rained a lot.
Besides, it wasn't really self guided. We were 7 people in a 4WD and we just drove behind the car in front of us.
Our so-called tour guides were stoned hippies that had no idea how to deal with anything. One guy stunk as hell.
The tour ended earlier than it was planned and we couldn't see "Indian Heads", one of the main attractions of the island.
We basically only saw 4 attractions and in between, we just drove stupidly on the beach.
The good things: wildlife (highlights: dingo and huge spiders) the people on the tour and the goon (wine) we drunk together.
The best thing: A dingo managed to get into our tent (there was a big hole in one side) and stole vitamin tablets from Míša! ;P
 They all were in our 4WD. People from England, Canada and Finland.
 The "champaign pool". We could swim there even though it was pretty cold.
 Again, our truck-mates.
 A Kookaburra.

 The white sands of sweet-water-lake McKenzie were great.
When we came back, we were quite disappointed.

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