Dienstag, 19. April 2011

Litchfield National Park

On the 13th I went to Litchfield National Park.
First stop: the termite fields. Interesting, hard-working creatures.
 This swamp was covered with them.
 In Litchfield, you can find lots of beautiful waterfalls.
We could swim in a few, not in every one though. There are crocs everywhere in the Northern Territory.
 These are Green Ants. The green part is edible - I tried it. It tastes like nothing.
 In the evening, we went on a jumping crocodile tour. We saw a 5m croc, an albino-croc and a very aggressive female croc that jumped really high.
Most of them came very close to our small boat: Up to 30cm.
 Yes, they can jump!
 You don't wanna be in there!
 Not only crocs can kill you in the NT: That's a swimming tree-snake. One of the most dangerous snakes of Australia/the world.
He is about 80-100 years old and more than 5 meters long!

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