Mittwoch, 20. April 2011

Bali - First Day

At 17:25, on the 15th, I arrived at the Ngurah Rai Airport. (Also known as Denpasar or Bali.) I didn’t have any accommodation. When I left the airport, I was a little bit confused. Luckily, an Aussie woman approached me. She had a room at the Bakung Sari Hotel. We decided to share a taxi. Now that was a bit of a cultural shock: There didn’t seem to be much room for rules on the road. Motorbikes everywhere, loud background noise because of honking and partly bumpy roads. I really enjoyed it! Once at the hotel, I got a room with bathroom, aircon, TV and a gecko for 30USD! We had dinner at the hotel’s restaurant and a short walk to Kuta Beach. Then, I went to sleep.
 The hotel is a very cheap one - but the only thing it doesn't have is WLAN. There is a pool and a garden in the inner courtyard. Everything is decorated - and shrines are everywhere.
That's something you can see everywhere in Bali: On shrines, in front of shrines and houses. In the morning, there are burning incense sticks inside. It makes Bali smell so special!
 That's my Internet place: for 9000Rp, you get a great Nasi Goreng and for 5000Rp, you get 2 hours of wireless Internet. (in total: about 1.5 CHF)

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