Sonntag, 20. März 2011

Blue Mountains

 On the 19th, we went on a tour to the Blue Mountains. Sadly, the weather was misty. The tour was planned for 16 people, but everyone except for us cancelled. We ended up having a private tour with a nice local tour-guide.
 That's about how it is supposed to look like. You could google "Blue Mountains" for other pictures, I did the same...
 Anyway: That's our tour-guide Nik and my travel partner Míša.
 That's the first of the famous Three Sisters. We climbed down along the first Sister. It felt like being in a rain forest.
 But I could at least take some decent pictures.
The waterfalls carried more than three times as much water than usual.

It was a nice trip, we made the best of the situation.

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