We arrived in Sydney at midday on the 16th of March. We bailed the luggage and I recharged my battery to be prepared for this:

A free hiking tour. A local guy showed us the main spots and explained to us the history of Sydney. This building made me feel like being in Europe: It kinda looks old!
17th of March: the St. Patrick’s Day. Green!
With $40 you can use the whole traffic system in Sydney for a week. The ferry’s were exceptionally great.
Foreground: Sydney Harbour Bridge, Background: Opera House and Sydney’s skyline.
The weather was shitty at all time. It rained occasionally.
That's the typical building style in the close suburbs of Sydney.
We went to the Aqua World...
...and to the Wild-live Park.
Another Opera House shot. With not so bad weather for once.
No park this time: real wildlive!
Sorry for inserting another Opera House shot.
We stayed with a guy in Newtown who Míša found with CouchSurfing.
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