Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2011

Ubud Palace → Tana Lot → Uluwatu → back to Kuta

 Yves and Estela were planning to go to Malaysia and Jean-Paul had to go back home. We had one day left and it had to end in Kuta (because of the airport).
 We got ourselves a driver and visited Ubud palace.
 And the Tana Lot temple: One of the greatest tourist attractions(/traps?) EVER. To get there, one has to walk trough half a kilometer of souvenir shops. It was crowded. The temple itself wasn't bad though.
 Then, we went to the Uluwatu temple. I expected it to be the same as last time but there were more tourists and, strangely, the monkeys were a lot more aggressive. Still funny though, of course!
They were fighting a lot.
After Uluwatu, we drove back to Kuta. We took two rooms in the Bakung Sari Hotel again. Yves and Estela had to go to the airport at 3 a.m. in the morning. Jean-Paul and I could sleep longer since his plane would depart at about midday.

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