Freitag, 7. Januar 2011

Traveling around the world. Literally.

At exactly 20:15 (UTC+1), 31st of December, my plane took off. Zürich – Frankfurt. On my left side: a nice couple from South Africa that, who by the way had seen the match Switzerland versus Spain live in the stadium. On my right side, there were 3 stereotypical German ladies: The first one talked in an extremely loud and high voice about how nervous she was because she was flying all alone for the first time. The second one kept looking straight into the first one’s eyes and repeated every 10 seconds “jaaa, jaaa”. The third one was obviously annoyed, as were most passengers around lady number 1. My first flight was over soon, at about 21:20, without having had any delay. In Frankfurt, I had time until 19:30 to switch terminal. During this time, I met two guys from Switzerland who were on their way to Australia too. We drank beer together and celebrated New Years Eve a little. At 19:45 a Qantas Jet with me on board started its engines. This time, I was sitting at the window, next to a couple that used to live in Germany. She originally had come from Poland and he from Australia. They just were moving to Australia permanently. At the stroke of the new year... (At New Years Eve) the Airline offered free champagne. I watched two movies on the in-built entertainment device and slept for about 2 hours until we landed in Singapore (18:20@UTC+8). My last flight took off about one hour later than planned (20:45). They didn’t say why. This time, I had no one next to me: 4 seats for me and my baggage. I watched a special extended version of Avatar and played Tetris for the first time in at least 10 years. At about 02:00 the jet had arrived at its destination. I was a little sleepy when I took my baggage and passed customs. On the other side, Terry was waiting to drive me to my host family.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Crazy Swede, that has never happended bevore!!FatTony was playing Tetris while the flight, that`s incredible! Last Weekend we had a few spring mood in Town. The thermometer jumped up to nearly 11°C! What a Record for this time.. :O Now it`s always raining and the snow smelts away.. I`m travelling tomorrow to Amsterdam for take a little Time-Out in a rainy and could Country . Hope the Coffeeshops are heating a little bit .
    Enjoy the hopefully good and warm weather in Perth! Cheers Simu
    Written 12.1.11
