My father and Terry met 32 years ago in a Kibbutz in Israel. They played in the same soccer team. I had never seen him before, although my father sometimes mentioned him: They occassionally wrote each other emails. Besides, he once sent us merchandise from the local soccer club, Perth Glory FC. When he heared that I was soon coming to Perth, he instantly proposed to pick me up at the airport and invited me to meet him. Last Saturday, I was invited to dinner. Right now, two Japanese girls, Sayaka and Sachiko, are staying in his home.

This is the dessert Terry is famous for: roasted Banana with Ice Cream and Apricot sauce. Nice to watch while being produced and absolutely delicious!
Sachiko, Terry and Sayaka after drinking Sake and eating Swiss Chocolate. ;D
On Sunday, Terry picked me up at 9:15 a.m. to show me around Perth. A tour that was way better than any tourist office could provide!
That's a sea gull. One of the most exciting things I saw were the birds. I took lots of photos.
These crows make a very strange sound. They wake me up every morning at 5!
A very interesting tiny bird with a funny name: Willie Wagtail. He's extremely trusting, I could photograph him from a distance of about 10cm and he didn't fly away!
This is, by the way, the bench where Terry and I sat to eat BBQ.
And this is the first wildlive pelican I've ever seen.
Now here we have a lizard. I saw him in one of the many green spots Perth has to offer. The Aussie folks, just to have it mentioned, generally take great care of their surroundings.
This is a picture of an area within Kings Park, a big park right next to the centre of the city and near the university.
This is a Banksia. An indigenous flower described for the first time by Sir Joseph Banks in 1770 during James' Cooks first expedition.
That's a Rocket Pincushion. One of the few plants in flower right now.
This beautiful bird is a blue corella. I think this one is the first animals of the parrot family I've ever seen in nature.
Faye told me later that they were good pets when adopted while they are very young. It'd be a pity to lock them up in a cage...
They are very active and playful birds. This one was hanging on a banch upside down! Shortly after that, he took a position like a bat. Lovely!
I cannot thank Terry enough for this wonderful time!