Dienstag, 3. Mai 2011

Ubud: rice fields

The 27th. Ubud is also famous for its rice fields. In the morning, we went to discover them with our motorbikes. Sadly, the trip ended early when we had a minor accident.
We went back to the hotel. That picture shows what we were doing. ;P
 Then, we went to check out spas. In one, there was a ceremony. Maybe because we wore traditional sarongs, we were invited to eat with them. Later we found out that the king of Ubud himself let us join!
After the royal launch, Yves, Jean-Paul and I went to discover the rice fields.
 Yves found out about a place where there would be cockfights. Naturally, we wanted to see this traditional event.
 That's where it was. The atmosphere was very agitated, like a soccer match for example. We didn't see much of the fight, but these chicken can get pretty nasty. The looser was bleeding.
 That's me.
 That's somebody else.
Two geckos (about 15cm long) on the wall of the hotel.

Ubud: motorbike & ceremony

 One of Ubud's biggest temples had an anniversary. That resulted in a big ceremony which lasted 3 days!
 Music, pretty decorations and entertainment everywhere.
 Dinner - once more worth a picture.
 I love the little details in Bali. Wherever you look you'll find something!
That day, we also rented motorbikes (40'000Rp/day). The best mean of transport in Bali. A little dangerous from time to time though. At least in places like Kuta where the streets are full of bikes and cars.

Lovina - Ubud

 In the morning of the 25th, we took a shuttle bus to Ubud, Bali's cultural heart.
 Yves and Estela have Osprey too. We look like Osprey-officials.
 Our new hotel's pool.
 Kids playing soccer. You can find soccer fields in Bali pretty often. It's a great island in many ways!
Offerings for the gods - You can find them everywhere and they never look the same!
 In Ubud, we met Yves' brother, Jean-Paul.